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With Marja Pruis & Lisa Taddeo

We discuss female desire and the way we talk (or write) about this in literature. Why is this still a sensitive topic? An all-female round table talk.

Dit is een Engelstalig programma. Voor Nederlandse programmatekst, zie onderaan.

Female desire in literature, you would think: has been discussed extensively already and featured in many novels. But it still seems to be a touchy subject. Why is that? With an all-female cast of writers, we look at these issues. Among them is Lisa Taddeo, author of Three Women in which she followed three women up close during eight years, reading all of their correspondence, texts, this way getting an intimate look at the ins and outs of their sex lives.

Marja Pruis (De Groene Amsterdammer) will read an opening statement on the state of female desire in fiction today, which she wrote especially for us. Writers Daan Borrel, Yael van der Wouden and academic researcher Margriet van Heesch (UvA) join her, Sarah Meuleman will be our moderator.

About Three Women by Lisa Taddeo:

‘A ground-breaking book in which female desire is central.’ – Veronica Magazine

‘An insightful, enthusiastic and fascinating portrait of three contemporary, white American women and their needs.’ – NRC Handelsblad

This programme is in collaboration with publisher Nijgh & Van Ditmar as well as SLAA (Stichting Literaire Activiteiten Amsterdam).

Nederlandse tekst

Vrouwelijk begeerte in de literatuur, je zou denken: is al besproken en in veel romans over te lezen. Maar het lijkt nog steeds een gevoelig onderwerp te zijn. Waarom is dat? Met een geheel vrouwelijke cast van schrijvers kijken we naar deze kwesties. Onder hen is Lisa Taddeo, auteur van Three Women, waarin ze drie vrouwen gedurende acht jaar van dichtbij volgde en al hun correspondentie en teksten las, waardoor ze een intieme kijk kreeg op de ins en outs van hun seksleven.

Marja Pruis (De Groene Amsterdammer) zal op deze avond een openingsverklaring lezen over de staat van vrouwelijk verlangen in fictie, speciaal voor ons geschreven. Schrijvers Daan Borrel, Yael van der Wouden en academisch onderzoeker Margriet van Heesch (UvA) voegen zich bij haar, Sarah Meuleman wordt onze moderator.

Over Drie Vrouwen van Lisa Taddeo:

‘Een baanbrekend boek waarin vrouwelijke begeerte centraal staat.’ – Veronica Magazine

‘Een inzichtelijk, begeesterd en boeiend portret van drie hedendaagse Amerikaanse witte vrouwen en hun behoeftes.’ – NRC Handelsblad

Dit programma is i.s.m. Nijgh & Van Ditmar en SLAA (Stichting Literaire Activiteiten Amsterdam).


Lisa Taddeo

Lisa Taddeo has published in Granta, The Sun Magazine, Esquire Magazine, Elle and Glamour, among others. With her short stories she won the Pushcart Prize twice, as well as the William Holodnok fiction prize and in 2017 the Florence Engel Randall Award. Three Women is her debut and was sold to eleven countries in heated auctions.

Marja Pruis

Marja Pruis has been a critic of (Dutch) literature for De Groene Amsterdammer since 1998. Pruis studied Dutch and general linguistics at the UvA. In 1999 she debuted with De Nijhoffs of de gevolgen van een huwelijk. She wrote the novels Bloem (2002), De Vertrouweling (2005) and Atoomgeheimen (2008). Her collection of essays Kus me, straf me (2010) was nominated for the AKO Literature Prize and in 2013 she won the Jan Hanlo Essay Prize.

Daan Borrel

Daan Borrel studied Literature at the University of Amsterdam and is a writer and freelance journalist. She writes for NRC Handelsblad, De Groene Amsterdammer and ELLE about sexuality, intimacy and the body. In her first book Soms Is Liefde Dit (Sometimes love is this) she examines the freedoms and limitations of her sexual desires as a woman, and argues for sexuality and thinking that is more embodied. Last year Daan made the podcast De Bespreekkamer(translation: the Discussion Room) about the influence of cancer on sexuality and intimacy, and performed at Lowlands, Brainwash Festival and Into the Great Wide Open.  

Sarah Meuleman

Sarah Meuleman (moderator) is a Belgian author and journalist. She debuted in 2015 with the novel De zes levens van Sophie (Find Me Gone) that was nominated for a Bronze Owl as well as translated and published with Harper Colins in the US, Canada and the UK. Earlier this year Meulemans second novel De vondeling was published. Sarah has written for renownded magazines such as Vogue. She is also host and co-creator of the television show Sarah’s Savages. Meuleman studied Germanic Philology and Literature. Foto Eric Lange

Margriet van Heesch

Margriet van Heesch is scholar at the Department of Sociology at the University of Amsterdam. She was trained in Philosophy and Comparative Literature and holds a PhD in behavioural sciences. Her teaching and research concentrate on queer theory, gender, sexuality, sexism, racism and classism, and LGBTQI. She is working on a ‘sociology’ of Romantic Love, recently published in NRCDe Gids and de Correspondent, and is writing a popular edition of her dissertation Hidden Sex: History of Intersex in The Netherlands (work title).

Yael van der Wouden

Yael van der Wouden is a writer and mixed-bag child of the diaspora situated in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Her work has been published in places like The Sun Magazine, Split Lip Magazine and Barrelhouse Magazine. She’s recently been nominated for Best Small Fictions, Best of the Net, and the Pushcart Prize. She’s also received a notable mention in Best American Essays 2018 for her essay, On (Not) Reading Anne Frank. Once in a while, she does the voice of Sir David Attenborough for Longleaf Review’s advice column, Dear David. She teaches creative writing in Utrecht and literature in Maastricht.