
za 25 mei
Dit programma heeft al plaatsgevonden

workshop with Amal Chatterjee

This workshop is from 14:00 till 18:00

Stories. Have you ever wanted to tell one? Of your own? Or of someone else? Or of people, places even worlds that you have seen or imagined? Or have you begun a story, a book, want to take it forward? In this workshop you’ll explore where and how to find and tell stories, from real life and out of your imagination, how to create and develop them.

 With the help of an experienced fiction tutor who has helped writers create short stories and novels, you’ll try out and practice finding and building stories, looking at, thinking about and working on character, plot, voice, using dialogue and description.

At the end of the session, you’ll have at least one story begun, perhaps two, you may also have it (or them) planned and plotted out – or, if you are already working on a book or story underway, you’ll have learned about, and tried out, tools to help you take it to the next stage.

 This workshop is for every aspiring writer, from absolute beginners to those with projects on the go, for people all backgrounds, and ages (17+). The working language will be English, but the stories you create could be in others too.  

Amal Chatterjee

Amal Chatterjee is an author and creative writing tutor based in Amsterdam and Oxford. His writing includes novels, short stories, theatre plays, and non-fiction articles. Besides writing, he teaches, and is Senior Course Tutor for the University of Oxford’s MSt in Creative Writing.

Amal teaches, develops and coordinates various academic and creative writing programs and courses amongst others at the Paris Institute of Critical Thinking’s Creative Writing programme, the VU Taalcentrum, the Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research at the University of Amsterdam, and the NIAS (the Netherlands Institute for Arts and Sciences).

Would you like to join this program, but currently don’t have the means to buy a ticket? Send an e-mail to info@denieuweliefde.com to work something out.